Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Pictures

Some of my little friends at camp!

Me and Tah Tah (Teresa) I miss her so much!

My Mom and Sister came for a great visit!
It was sooooo good to see them!

Robyn, Kristi, and Me in Philly learning a little about
the beginning of our "great United States."


Felicia said...

I just can't tell you how happy I am that you are back in Texas! I loved seeing you at Homecoming and talking to you last night. I will be praying that the Lord will show you where He wants you to be. I can't wait to see you again soon!

campers said...

YES! An update!!!! Love it!

Martha said...

Hello sweet friend! How I wish I could hug your neck and see your sweet face! Thanks for posting. I have checked your blog over and over just hoping that some day you would update. I am happy to hear that you are good and have made a move of faith and in faith. I am praying that your cup will run over. Love you!!!!! M

Mauri said...

YAY for blogging! I had stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago but thought you were't active! I'm glad your back! And I got your facebook message and agree after the holidays would be perfect! It's a must!