Monday, November 12, 2007

Church Shopping....I hate the thought!

So one of the pros to staying in New York City (when I was trying to make the big move decision) was the fact that I LOVED my church there. I was attending the Apostles Church of the City. I can remember walking into church the very first time I visited and knew that this was going to be my church home! I knew that every Sunday I was there I was going to be hearing something straight from the Word. I was connected with a small group that I grew to love and trust and cried the night I went to my small group for the last time. I made friends who I knew were praying for me and would hold me accountable for my actions. I grew stronger in my knowledge of the Bible and was challenged to grow closer to the Lord. As I left the city I prayed and have continued to pray that the Lord would guide me to a place I could call home yet again. begins the quest for a church home. I hate the thought of Church Shopping but in a way that is what you have to do. I have been to a couple of churches thus far and still am searching. I know that I can get plugged into any of these churches I have visited but I want to know that I am going to grow stronger in my faith from attending. I know that the Lord is going to be faithful in guiding me to my new church home, but I pray that I don't have to do much more shopping!!! I have and hopefully will always love going to church and I pray that I find the perfect place for me here in Texas!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Pictures

Some of my little friends at camp!

Me and Tah Tah (Teresa) I miss her so much!

My Mom and Sister came for a great visit!
It was sooooo good to see them!

Robyn, Kristi, and Me in Philly learning a little about
the beginning of our "great United States."

A Much Needed Update!

So with a much needed push from some friends I have finally decided to update the Blog. I am not really sure where to begin or what all needs to be included in this blog, but here goes nothing.

Since my last blog back in March much has happened in the life of April Baker. In March the massive Spring Break campaign marathon for Shiloh began and I had never been busier. I was able to see so many great friends that came up with their campaigns as well as make many more. From then on the big push for Camp Shiloh 2007 began. The annual work teams came up and remodeled and revamped camp in so many much needed ways. I got to see some of my best friends and learned how to do a little plumbing myself! Needless to say with friends and working plumbing life was good! On July 1st, Camp Shiloh 2007 started! As with every summer, so many blessings were poured out from the Lord, but many challenging events occurred as well. By the end of the summer many of you know I was at one of the lowest points in my life. I am not sure where it came from other than feeling like I had poured my heart and soul out for almost a year in NYC and had not been taking the time to fill my own cup back up. My cup was past empty and I knew that a major decision was needed in order for me to get back to the "old April" as so many of my friends referred to. So at the end of September I made the decision to move back to Texas for a little bit. I finished up in October with Shiloh and was able to go out on a high note with a youth event called Revolution! It was an amazing weekend with around 120 teens and it was just what I needed to come home on. So I am now back in Texas and at this point opening my heart and mind to what the Lord has in store for me next. I am back working as a Speech Path and am enjoying what I am doing. I am still searching for where and what I am to do next but know that the Lord has a plan and is going to reveal each part of it to me when he is ready to do so.

I appreciate all the love and support each from my friends and family and am so lucky to have you in my life. Most of you who read this blog fit into that category and I don't tell you enough how much I love you! Glad to be back in Texas.....and I will try to be better in my updates :)!

There will be pictures of the life and times of April living in NYC shortly!