Wednesday, February 07, 2007


So, from a little urging from friends I have decided to start blogging. I think this may be the only way I feel like I am still connected to those outside of NYC! Plus, since it has not been above 20 degrees for the past three days and well....I have been staying inside a lot here lately!

I know all of my friends and family have had a their share of Winter weather this year, but I can't recall a time in my life when I have walked to work in single digits in my life! My walk to work is not bad, only 9 blocks down and two blocks over, but I would have to say that I prefer the walk in the Spring and Summer! I am praying for warmer weather to come quickly but when I mention this to Northeastern natives they all laugh at me! I just want to look at them and say, "Come on! Help me out a little! Give me just a bit of encouragement! Of course talking to my mom last night did not help either, it was a warm 70 degrees for her. I will keep praying for an early Spring regardless of what I hear from friends around here!

So that is my life currently, walking around in frigid temps and praying for an early Spring. I will blog more about what all I am doing here in New York soon! Miss all of my family and friends and I hope to see you all soon!


annalee said...

apes- i am SO excited that you started a blog! i will definitely check for updates often. love you!

Felicia said...

I am so glad you have a blog! I can't wait to read them everyday and stay in tune with life in NYC! We miss you tons and keep you in our prayers. Love ya!

campers said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that I will be able to stay in touch better! Can't wait to hear about all the fun NYC adventures!