Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Great Day!

So things have been super crazy here, but I can't really tell you how they have been crazy! They just are...I guess we all know how life can get crazy and we don't truly even know what we are doing!

Today was one of those days I sit back and think, "So this is why I moved to New York City!" For those of you who do not know, I am working for Shiloh, a non-profit ministry that works with inner city kids in the tri-state area. Currently we have our hands full with everything from Spring Break Campaigns, to Interviewing counselors for Camp Shiloh, to beginning mentoring programs with some of our kids in the Bronx. I have never truly done urban ministry, other than my summers at Camp Shiloh, but today I caught a brief glimpse of what urban ministry is.

I called about 12 kids earlier this week and told them we would be meeting with them on Thursday in a McDonald's in their neighborhood, that being the Northwest Bronx. So today as we were leaving Manhattan it began to rain. Thoughts were going through my head, "these kids won't get out in the rain to meet us; what can we really accomplish in McDonald's, no one is going to show up." But as I sat in McDonald's waiting for Ryan (he is the Program Director at Shiloh and was parking the car) one by one the kids started coming in. It was such an amazing feeling to be sitting there and see them look through the glass window and see me. When they saw me they immediately smiled and waved! We had 6 out of the 12 kids show up and these 6 kids really wanted to be there. We ate ice cream, talked about what was going on in school and in their neighborhoods, and how they couldn't wait to get back to camp! Soon one of the kids asked a question about Jesus and the conversation took off from there. They were asking all kinds of questions and you could see the desire they had to learn more and more! After we closed for the afternoon and everyone went their separate ways I couldn't help but think, how little of me to question God's ability to do great things! Here we were in a McDonald's in the Bronx on a rainy, cold afternoon with 6 kids talking about Jesus. It was a very humbling moment and I am so thankful that I serve a God who will work even when we second guess Him.

I am very thankful God has placed me in New York City and shows me each and every day that he is in control, even in McDonald's!


campers said...

Thanks for that litle reminder!What a good lesson! I am so glad you are loving NY and your job! When are you coming to TX again????Anytime soon????

annalee said...

That is EXACTLY why God has you there! I am so glad you are open to His plan each day and posted about it so we could share in your joy with what He is doing in your life and the kids' lives. Love you.

Kate said...

Hey April,

I just found your blog. I'm so glad God is using you in NYC. It sounds interesting and challenging. Brandon and I would LOVE to come see you...I hope we make it back there someday soon.

Felicia said...

It was so good to talk to you yesterday morning! I'm so glad you had a wonderful day at McDonald's and the kids. You are so good at your job and I would love to come visit you sometime to see you in action. Love you!

Leah J. said...

What a wonderful story! How GREAT that you are in NY and doing such amazing things! I am so glad to have found your blog on here!

Velocity said...

I love the poca dots on your blog page. Anyways your stories are always a pleasure to read. can't wait to see you at camp, to bad it's my last year.