Monday, December 17, 2007


Do you ever just have one of those days when you feel UGH!!! Well today is one of those days. It just seemed like nothing would or could go right! I guess it is the Monday before the Christmas break so that could be part of it!

It all started this morning at school when my principal came in to observe me. Normally this does not phase me in the least, but today it just threw me! I got so nervous and could not make anything work. The kids were out of control (one of my little ones who has autism just would not follow any type of direction at all!). No one would answer my questions, follow directions, or participate in the activity I had planned. It was a very fun small group activity! So I think that my third evaluation is going to be bad! Plus I am just a little upset that I am doing the small group activities I am this week. We are doing Nursery Rhymes this week! Which gets me all worked up in the first place. I hate it that we can not talk about the Holidays at all! It isn't even that we can't talk about Christmas, it's we can't discuss any of the Holidays that are celebrated during this time. I just feel like these kids miss out on so much fun stuff! No snowmen, no reindeer, no wreaths, no nothing!! I just hate it!

So UGH!!! It's just a Monday, let's hope tomorrow is a better day :)


campers said...

It is always a fresh new day!! I am sure you did great, don't let it get you down!

Leah J. said...

The joys of teaching ... I remember them well. Principals should not be allowed to observe anywhere near Christmas break. The kiddos are so wild! I'm sure you did great!

Mauri said...

Here's hoping you have a good start to next semester! Let me know your plans for coming to a-town!